
Na podporu implementácie INSPIRE legislatívneho rámca slúži séria súvisiacich dokumentov.


 Názov dokumentuPublikácia
 Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE dataset and service metadata based on ISO/TS 19139:20071.8.2022
 INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules Technical Guidelines: Highlight of key changes between version 1.2 and version 1.318.12.2013
 INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 191196.11.2013
 Národný metaúdajový profil27.07.2015

Sieťové služby

 Názov dokumentuPublikácia
 Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE View Services1.8.2022
 Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services using Web Coverage Services (WCS)16.12.2016
 Technical Guidance for implementing download services using the OGC Sensor Observation Service and ISO 19143 Filter Encoding16.12.2016
 Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services9.8.2013
 Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Discovery Services7.11.2011
 Technical Guidance for the INSPIRE Schema Transformation Network Service15.12.2010


 Názov dokumentuPublikácia
Rámcové dokumentyGuidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE (D 2.9)16.12.2016
 INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model (D 2.5)8.4.2014
 Guidelines for the encoding of spatial data (D 2.7)8.4.2014
 Methodology for the development of data specifications: baseline version (D 2.6)7.4.2008
Údajové špecifikácieINSPIRE Data Specifications 

Harmonizované zdieľanie

 Názov dokumentuPublikácia
 Guidance on the 'Regulation on access to spatial data sets and services of the Member States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions'9.1.2013


 Názov dokumentuPublikácia
 Recommendations for the 2016 Member State Report31.1.2016
 Guidelines for filling in the Excel Template for Monitoring INSPIRE31.3.2014
 Template for monitoring INSPIRE2.4.2014
 INSPIRE: Template for country reports25.1.2013
 INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators – Guidelines Document18.1.2013

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